Aug 8, 2011

Luc Abalo

This one is special!! This guy is an artist! On the handball court but also in his private life. He paints, draws and more other stuff. He's a really nice person, open to the people, and 90% of the time in a good mood, the others 10%??! He's sleeping!! :)
So I hope that his artist's eye will not be so hard on me and my work.

Aug 3, 2011

Nikola Karabatic

The first caricature of a handball player! He is one of the best handball player in the world, but also a great friend of mine, that's why I picked him.
I made him ugly on my caricature, I know!! But that's where the art of caricature becomes fun!! And I'm sure that when he will look at this picture, he will laugh out loud with his bro, (my best friend) Luka!!
Signed: Monsieur Leba. Luka?! ;-)

Aug 1, 2011


I like his songs, I like his style. He has a great face for caricature, with a large nose and a big smile.
I. A.